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  • 電動扳手型號有哪些?
  • 警告本網站文字編輯:南京雷恩油壓機產品制作業較少機構推送年份:2018-12-04 15:24 瀏覽次數:
There are many types of electric wrench models? What types of electric wrench are available? At present, due to the development of technology, all kinds of tools and household appliances need to be disassembled and renovated. The hardware store has all kinds of things, all kinds of tools. In recent years, electric wrench has been sold well, labor-saving and easy to use, and it is very popular among the public. And because there are many different types of machines, there are many models of electric spanners. About the problem of electric wrench model, this paper will introduce its model in detail.
Electric wrench is electric wrench or battery power wrench. It is a power tool for fastening and loosening bolts and nuts. Electric wrench is mainly used in the steel structure installation industry, which is specialized in the installation of steel structure high-strength bolts, which are used to connect steel structure joints. It usually appears as a set of bolts. Electric wrench has many characteristics. The outstanding thing is that it has a long service life, and then the handle and shell material have better heat dissipation and high power. This is especially true for other products that have always been ahead of the industry.
Again, it has strong impact resistance and is more cost-effective for the hand. In addition, disassembly torque is safer and more reliable than manual operation. Not only convenient, beautiful, practical, but also easy to carry. It is widely used in the construction of steel bridge, workshop, power generation equipment and other facilities. The national standard torsion shear type high strength bolts are M16, M20, M22 and M24. There are now two non-state M27 and M30.
In addition, there are many types of electric wrench, and there are many types of impact wrench, torsion type electric wrench and so on. It is mainly divided into impact wrench, twist shear wrench, fixed torque wrench, angular wrench, angular wrench, hydraulic wrench, torque wrench, rechargeable electric wrench. The tools used vary depending on the type used. As a labor-saving tool, wrench is a good helper for people to dismantle and renovate.
With the demand of people, the wrench model increases gradually, and people need service. There are many types of electric wrench? What types of electric wrench are available? The above is an introduction to this issue. There are too many models to list one by one. If you want to know or want to know, you can ask relevant professionals to do it. Further exploration.


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